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150 veterans-Olympians have free access to the Olympic games-2014 in Sochi

58 - Внутреняя страница новости

<p align="justify">Today, the Fund of support of Olympians of Russia and the Russian Olympic Committee was signed an agreement by which about 150 veterans-Olympians will be able to visit the Olympic games-2014 in Sochi.</p>


Today, the Fund of support of Olympians of Russia and the Russian Olympic Committee was signed an agreement by which about 150 veterans-Olympians will be able to visit the Olympic games-2014 in Sochi.

"Will be formed two groups of athletes, among which are the Champions and medalists of the Olympic games of the past years, each approximately 75 people. One group will visit the opening ceremony of the Olympics and will remain the first part of the competition, the second to arrive 15 February and will take part in the closing ceremony. In London similarly Olympic games looked around 80 veterans, now the figure has grown to 150", - has told journalists today the Executive Director of the Olympic Committee of Russia Vladimir Сенглеев.

Various programmes of assistance to veterans-Olympians, according to the Executive Director of the Fund Алексакндра Катушева exist since 2006. In 2012, the Fund and OCD joined their efforts and thanks to the financial support of Fund participants in 2014 already 150 people will be able to visit Sochi. "To date, we have paid approximately 1200 veteran grants and continue to develop assistance programs to silver and bronze prize-winners of past Competitions (gold medalist helps the state). We pay them special grants in addition to pensions. And the money they will receive as there are over Fund", - said Katushev.

According to an agreement signed today, all veterans will be paid travel to Sochi and back, accommodation, tickets to events and transfers within the city. Live former athletes will be in Sputnik hotel in Adler. First of all invitations will be sent to the representatives of winter sports.


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Спортивный хронограф
Сегодня, 14 сентября

1928 г. — родилась Мария ЧИЧИНАДЗЕ (СЕМИНА) (волейбол)

1933 г. — родился Борис РОГАТИН

1942 г. — родился Валентин ГУЦУ (дзюдо, самбо)

1943 г. — родился Степан ГОНИЯНЦ

1946 г. — родился Владимир МУНТЯН (футбол)

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