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RIOU continues to implement a program of social adaptation of the famous Champions League in Moscow

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<p align="justify">Created in the framework of preparation for the winter Olympic games of 2014 the Russian international Olympic University (RIOU) continues the programme of social adaptation of the famous Champions League finish sports career.</p>


Created in the framework of preparation for the winter Olympic games of 2014 the Russian international Olympic University (RIOU) continues the programme of social adaptation of the famous Champions League finish sports career. Together with Fund of support of Olympians representatives of the RIOU held in Moscow the second series of lectures on professional retraining of the athletes. To study visited by representatives of the 17 regions of Russia. Among them there are Olympic champion «Sydney-2000» in Greco-Roman wrestling Вартерес Самургашев, silver winner of Olympic games «London-2012» by jumping on the trampoline Dmitry Ushakov, the world champion on sports walking Alina Ivanova, the world champion in heavy weight Vladimir Morels, the world champion in sabre fencing Pavel Bykov. Famous sportsmen attended a course of lectures on the key areas of sports management. It includes such disciplines as «Fundamentals of the sport law», «PR and marketing in sport», «Sports sponsorship», «Management of sports construction», «Development of the industry of sports in Russia.»

- Choice of subjects for the programme of adaptation of the athletes who completed his career in the Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) is far from being accidental. It helps people to acquire the speciality of «sport management». Such organizers are lacking in modern Russia. On the improvement of the training system worthy of specialists in this field recently discussed even at the session of the Council for development of physical culture and sport under the President of Russia. We know that the heads of the regions will now take into account that their glorified sportsmen seriously improved their professional qualification of managers, - said the Director of the Fund of support of Olympians of Russia Alexander Katushev.

In the course of the training were visiting the practical sessions. Students learn to apply the knowledge on examples of management of the all-Russia Federation of volleyball, the basketball club «Dynamo», the football stadium «locomotive», one of the children's sports schools of Moscow.

- At this time in the training of sportsmen-veterans we have made a special emphasis on the practical application of their knowledge in the area of sports management. Therefore, as teachers were invited to the people, who have a huge experience of management of sports organizations. Among them were the deserved trainer of Russia, the President of the basketball club «Dynamo» Evgeny Gomelsky, General Secretary of the all-Russia Federation of track and field athletics Mikhail Butov, honorary President of the all-Russian volleyball Federation Valentin Zhukov. For students conducted special master classes right at sports facilities. I am sure that the knowledge obtained will allow our listeners feel surer of himself in his new professional life, which began after the completion of the speeches on sports arenas, - noted General Director of the Russian International Olympic University (RIOU), Professor Lev Beloussov.


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