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Russia was the first in the history of the Olympic champion in women's wrestling

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<p align="justify">On Thursday the first Russian Olympic champion in women&#39;s wrestling was Natalia Vorobieva, in the final category up to 72 kg тушировавшая the famous Bulgarian Stancu Златеву. The special correspondent of «mn» in London says the main stories from the life of Champions, which now forever go down in history.</p>


On Thursday the first Russian Olympic champion in women's wrestling was Natalia Vorobieva, in the final category up to 72 kg тушировавшая the famous Bulgarian Stancu Златеву. The special correspondent of «mn» in London says the main stories from the life of Champions, which now forever go down in history.

About genes

Like many future Champions, Vorobyova grew up in a single parent family, brought up by her single mother. It was in the Siberian town of Irkutsk region, Tulun. But is a characteristic detail: her father is a native of Dagestan. Perhaps, here and magnetic story coming it is in the struggle: the road to school walking past the room where it all the time, something stirred. As the coach offered to stay for a workout. Left, and after some time she was not allowed to fight with the boys - they offended when lost and went out of the section. The first official tournament Vorobyova won in 12 years, in the next Angarsk, having received the fees in... 100 rubles.

The prediction

The first time the correspondent of «mn» saw Vorobiev three and a half years ago, the tournament on behalf of the triple Olympic champion Alexander Medved in Minsk. Absolutely no one famous 18-year-old Russian is not simply won this rather serious tournament, and was struck by all observers, her rival for the final chic reception of Greco-Roman wrestling - deflection. This in men's competition is not often seen. Who is this? Began to make inquiries at the main coach of the Junior team Valery Onopko (Valery Maksimovich, unfortunately, did not live up to the Olympic victory only six months). «And this is the future Olympic champion of London, - have told Onopko. "Watch her. By the way, it was her first adult tournament at all!»

The deflection and the mill

By the way, elegant receptions. Frankly speaking, women's wrestling - sight until the Amateur. The first world championship was held a total of about twenty years ago, and a special background in the discipline of martial no. Arsenal of techniques of female athletes limited passage to his feet and translation in the stalls. Vorobyova in this respect is a unique character, a breath of fresh air. Four contractions of the five she completes the pin, that is, putting an opponent on the shoulder. In the early years she always threw the already mentioned deflection, and then in her Arsenal and added a «mill». In the final of the Olympic games the famous Bulgarian Machine Златева got exactly to the mill - and already in the second period ahead folded arms.

About the ability to wait

Another difference Vorobieva from colleagues - her career can be called a «project» in the truest sense of the word. In spite of the fact, which expression, as she was told, even in 2009, prior to this season it purposefully not allowed to fight among adults. This allowed the young girl did not «burn out» ahead of time, not injured from excessive produced and often in the eye of the loads in the national team under the management of former coaching staff Yuri Goloubovsky (and such cases were). Only in the Olympic year it was decided it was time. And project work at full power: in March at the European championship was туширована the same Bulgarian Златева, the silver medalist of the Beijing-2008 and repeated champion of the world; and in may at the world Cup - five-time world champion Kyoko Хамагучи. To London Natalia came in the ideal status: favorite, but hidden from which very much do not wait. But those who understood the gold medal planned. But no one spoke, not to frighten.

On photo shoots

In the face of Vorobieva women's wrestling in Russia has, finally, a good chance to get this media face - as, for example, Natalia Ragozina in Boxing. the 21-year-old sportswoman of the beautiful classical Siberian beauty mixed with the blood of the South. Relaxed and conducts himself in front of the audience and the camera. Already has over the shoulders of a few photo sessions in luster - one of them turned out just in the August issue, on the eve of the Olympic games. In General, if he wants to itself and the circumstances permit " we can try to make her a star in the good sense of this word.

About the money

Now Natalia Vorobyeva, probably, will become a millionaire. And not of the ruble, and the dollar. From the first Vice-President of Federation of wrestling of Omar Муртузалиева, who promised myself personally 500 thousand dollars, every Russian winner of the Games in women's wrestling. From state - of 100 thousand euros, from the «Fund of support of Olympians of Russia» - motor vehicle Audi. From St. Petersburg, who for several years is the athlete - a million rubles. Well and certainly more of the «little things» from departments and sports associations. And this is the case, when in addition to the banal words «deserved», nothing in the head does not come.

Evgeny Slysarenko

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Сегодня, 23 марта

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1931 г. — родился Борис ГУРЕВИЧ (борьба греко-римская)

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